BuyForMe Cost Analysis

Total BuyForMe cost=commodity fee+international shipping fee

The price of the product includes the value of the product and the shipping fee in China

BuyForMe service fee is free

Virtual items require an operation fee

International shipping is calculated based on product weight, shipping channel and country

You can choose value-added surcharges: package unpacking, photo operation fee, reinforced packaging, unpacking inspection, etc.

Open with [Yes GoShop] App Buy For Me Service Fee ? Buy For Me Service Fee ?

Total cost of Buy For Me = product cost [Note ①] + International shipping fee [Note ②]

Note ①: Commodity cost = commodity value + China domestic freight > If the e-commerce seller indicates "free shipping" or "seller bears the waybill", that is, the user does not need to pay domestic freight

Buy For Me service fee: free

Note ②: International shipping fee: The shipping fee is calculated according to the weight of the product selected by the user, the shipping channel, and the shipping country or region. Please check the international shipping fee table

Package collection fee: CNY2 per package, usually 1 seller = 1 package

Note ③: Optional Add-on Service surcharge: Items: package unpacking, photo operation fee, reinforced packaging, unpacking inspection, etc.

- Buy For Me service fee is free, except for virtual items, which need to pay operation fee
