Cloud Warehouse Package Status

In transit status

The seller has sent the express package, waiting to be delivered to the warehouse

Arrival status

To arrive means the package has been arrived at Guangzhou warehouse, warehouse staff are processing the warehousing; arrived means that the package is already in the storage

To claim or expired status

To claim means package has been put into storage but the user has not forecasted the package; expired means that the package has exceeded the storage period in the warehouse

Submitted status

Submitted means that the package has submitted a Ship For Me order

Open with [Yes GoShop] App Cloud Warehouse Status Description Cloud Warehouse Status Description

1. In Transit

China seller has sent out the parcel, in transit to Guangzhou warehouse.

2. To Arrive

Parcel has been arrived at Guangzhou warehouse, warehouse staff are processing the warehousing.

3. Arrived

Warehouse staff has weighed the parcel and put it into storage, and the customer can choose to submit the parcel for delivery.

4. To Claim

Parcel has arrived at warehouse and put into storage, but the parcel information has not been predicted in advance.

Customers who purchase by themselves need to fill in the courier number to claim the parcel, and the Buy For Me user can contact our staff to update.

5. Add-on Service

Add-on service are required for a single parcel, this parcel can't be selected to submit Ship For Me order during task processing.

6. Expired

Parcel been placed in the warehouse beyond the specified package storage time.

7. Submitted

Parcel has submitted a Ship For Me order for delivery to the Malaysia/Singapore shipping address.
