Voucher Rules

Voucher can only be used on Ship For Me Order

1 Ship For Me Order can only use one voucher

The minimum consumptions shown on the Voucher refers to the price of international shipping

The minimum consumption and expiry date shown are different for each voucher

After the voucher is redeemed, there is no way to return the gold coin and the extend period

Please make sure to check the minimum spending requirement and expiry date of each voucher before redeeming them

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Voucher Rules

  1. Voucher can only be used on Ship For Me Order.

  2. The minimum consumptions shown on the Voucher refers to the price of international shipping.

  3. The minimum consumption and expiry date shown are different for each voucher.

  4. 1 Ship For Me Order can only use one voucher.

  5. After the voucher is redeemed, there is no way to return the gold coin and the extend period.
