Consolidation Parcel means that after multiple packages sent by different sellers on the shopping platform arrive at our Guangzhou warehouse, users can choose all packages to submit the Ship For Me order uniformly.
Consolidation Parcel and delivery can save users more freight and facilitate users to sign for goods.
Take West Malaysia Normal Cargo Air Freight as an example:
West Malaysia normal cargo air freight is CNY 35 for the first 1kg, and CNY 13 for the next every 0.5kg
If you have 3 packages weighing 0.64kg, 1.10kg and 1.7kg, then the shipping charges for separate shipping are:
(35)+(35+13)+(35+13*2)= CNY 144
If 3 packages are collectively packaged and sent as 1 package, the total weight is 0.64kg+1.10kg+1.7kg=3.44kg, and the shipping fee is:
35+(13*5)= CNY 100
In total, you can save: 144-100= CNY 44.